Monday, May 10, 2010

So tired. Too much news. Too little brain.

I haven't heard any laughter recently. The Wood is in uproar since Winnie got stuck in the Polling Station door and the rest of us couldn't vote. Vote rigging at it's worst, or more likely honey swigging got him too rotund. Anyway nobody now knows who is friends with who and Owl is contemplating.

We have just been told that Winnie has said sorry about the honey crisis, but wants to help find more honey, to help us all then, pass the task of honey management to some else. I don't really understand as Winnie has just asked ME to hand over some of My honey so that he can give it to the Forest Union. How am I going to make my friends happy if I don't have honey. I am fed up. Going to hide somewhere as I don't understand anything anymore.

Just received a scroll from my quill pal, Robin the Hoodie.

"Dear Donkey

I hope this finds you. If it doesn't please don't read on. News from the Forest has become boring. Not heard about Simon Cow or Maid Cole or anything interesting for days. Triar has taken to hitting the flowers that are coming out. Then eating them. His eyes are looking very scary. Peasants remain revolting despite me giving them all the stuff we've knicked. They say they find the coins very difficult to cook and eat. Can't please them.

I'll write again when I've got more cheer to tell you.

Keep you tail up

Robbing Rob"


1 comment:

  1. After getting stuck in the door on voting day Winnie has decided he needs to lose weight: 1 because I am so big it was embarrassing that I made people miss out on voting especially as I am told they have been asking to do if for a long time and 2 because since I got stuck in the doorway I hurt my back and have been in constant pain.

    The pain from voting day has been eased in 2 ways firstly because my good friend the wise old owl sent him a TSE Actwell pain machine that de-stressed the back and also by the pain that he has been suffering finally leaving on Monday evening after being given a helping hand by the good Queen.

    Winnie also asked Eeyore how could I lose weight and was surprised to be given a again 2 ideas the first being take the new Strawberry slim vitamin drink from Actwell that seems to be OK as it tastes really great almost as good as Honey. The second idea seems very energetic for a poor old bear and that is to go to a place called West Minster (not sure what it is west of – possibly neverland) and then chase my tail just like all the others are. This sounds like fun but worried me because it means I will never have time to work and get any real answers it would be just a waste of time.

    So you can see I am a very confused poor little bear can someone else please guide me as my new friends at West Minster don’t seem to have any better ideas than my old friends who alas seem to have disappeared (obviously chase their own tail so much that they run out of ideas and seem to have disappeared in an instance – strange for them they never normally move that fast).

    Think I will probably just go to sleep, dreaming of Honey and wake up in 4-5 years when things have eased.

    Night Night Christophe and friends.
